
We are proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities via Canvas, our online learning platform. Our online courses have the same outcomes and objectives as our courses which are offered on the Peru State main campus. You do not need additional software but are directed to a website which houses all of our online courses. Each online course will provide you with the same content as an in-class course; the only difference is in the delivery.

Rather than taking the class on campus, where an instructor provides a lecture and discussion, Canvas learning is delivered via the Internet. You will have lectures, discussion questions, writing assignments, projects and tests.  All work will be done online in either an 8 week or 16 week semester. The online course requires as much commitment to learning as does any on-campus course. Online learning is flexible and convenient but also requires that you keep a study schedule, log in to class on a regular basis, participate in discussion groups, ask questions of the other students and the instructor, and maintain open lines of communication.

How do I access Canvas?
To access a Canvas course, a student must have a computer, a supported browser, Internet access, and be enrolled.

Go to Canvas’s site at: - A link to Canvas is located on bottom of the Peru State College website homepage.

  • Enter Office 365 email login credentials

Login Issues

If users experience an issue with logging into Canvas, please contact the PSC Computer Services helpdesk at or 402-872-2270. As a reminder, online support is available at which may help to resolve an issue.

Technical Support

If you are using Canvas and experience any technical issues, please contact Canvas Tech Support by emailing or calling the Distance Education and Online Services Office at 1-800-742-4412, option 5.

For after hours support, please call our technical support line, available until 9 pm CT daily, at 402-819-8181.
Emergency Tech Line:  402-819-8181
(available 5 pm to 9 pm, weekdays, and 9 am to 9 pm on weekends CT)